Adapter: Rest

AeroGear.Pipeline.adapters. Rest

new Rest(pipeName, settings) → {Object}

Status: Stable
The REST adapter is the default type used when creating a new pipe. It uses jQuery.ajax to communicate with the server. By default, the RESTful endpoint used by this pipe is the app's current context, followed by the pipe name. For example, if the app is running on, then a pipe named `tasks` would use as its REST endpoint. This constructor is instantiated when the "PipeLine.add()" method is called
Name Type Argument Default Description
pipeName String the name used to reference this particular pipe
settings Object <optional>
{} the settings to be passed to the adapter
Name Type Argument Default Description
baseURL String <optional>
defines the base URL to use for an endpoint
contentType String <optional>
"application/json" the default type of content being sent to the server
dataType String <optional>
"json" the default type of data expected to be returned from the server
endpoint String <optional>
pipename overrides the default naming of the endpoint which uses the pipeName
pageConfig Object | Boolean <optional>
an object containing the current paging configuration, true to use all defaults or false/undefined to not use paging
Name Type Argument Default Description
metadataLocation String <optional>
"webLinking" indicates whether paging information is received from the response "header", the response "body" or via RFC 5988 "webLinking", which is the default.
previousIdentifier String <optional>
"previous" the name of the prev link header, content var or web link rel
nextIdentifier String <optional>
"next" the name of the next link header, content var or web link rel
parameterProvider Function <optional>
a function for handling custom parameter placement within header and body based paging - for header paging, the function receives a jqXHR object and for body paging, the function receives the JSON formatted body as an object. the function should then return an object containing keys named for the previous/nextIdentifier options and whos values are either a map of parameters and values or a properly formatted query string
recordId String <optional>
"id" the name of the field used to uniquely identify a "record" in the data
timeout Number <optional>
60 the amount of time, in seconds, to wait before timing out a connection and firing the complete callback for that request
xhrFields Object <optional>
specify extra xhr options, like the withCredentials flag
The created pipe
    // Create an empty pipeline
    var pipeline = AeroGear.Pipeline();

    // Add a new Pipe with a custom baseURL, custom endpoint and default paging turned on
    pipeline.add( "customPipe", {
        baseURL: "",
        endpoint: "customendpoint",
        pageConfig: true

    // Add a new Pipe with a custom paging options
    pipeline.add( "customPipe", {
        pageConfig: {
            metadataLocation: "header",
            previousIdentifier: "back",
            nextIdentifier: "forward"


read(options) → {Object}

Reads data from the specified endpoint
Name Type Argument Default Description
options Object <optional>
{} Additional options
Name Type Argument Default Description
complete AeroGear~completeCallbackREST <optional>
a callback to be called when the result of the request to the server is complete, regardless of success
error AeroGear~errorCallbackREST <optional>
a callback to be called when the request to the server results in an error
id Object <optional>
the value to append to the endpoint URL, should be the same as the pipelines recordId
jsonp Mixed <optional>
Turns jsonp on/off for reads, Set to true, or an object with options
Name Type Argument Description
callback String <optional>
Override the callback function name in a jsonp request. This value will be used instead of 'callback' in the 'callback=?' part of the query string in the url
customCallback String <optional>
Specify the callback function name for a JSONP request. This value will be used instead of the random name automatically generated by jQuery
limitValue Number <optional>
10 the maximum number of results the server should return when using a paged pipe
offsetValue String <optional>
"0" the offset of the first element that should be included in the returned collection when using a paged pipe
paging Object | Boolean <optional>
this object can be used to overwrite the default paging parameters to request data from other pages or completely customize the paging functionality, leaving undefined will cause paging to use defaults, setting to false will turn off paging and request all data for this single read request
query Object <optional>
a hash of key/value pairs that can be passed to the server as additional information for use when determining what data to return
statusCode Object <optional>
a collection of status codes and callbacks to fire when the request to the server returns on of those codes. For more info see the statusCode option on the jQuery.ajax page.
success AeroGear~successCallbackREST <optional>
a callback to be called when the result of the request to the server is successful
The jqXHR created by jQuery.ajax. To cancel the request, simply call the abort() method of the jqXHR object which will then trigger the error and complete callbacks for this request. For more info, see the jQuery.ajax page.
var myPipe = AeroGear.Pipeline( "tasks" ).pipes[ 0 ];

// Get a set of key/value pairs of all data on the server associated with this pipe
var allData =;

// A data object can be passed to filter the data and in the case of REST,
// this object is converted to query string parameters which the server can use.
// The values would be determined by what the server is expecting
var filteredData ={
    query: {
        limit: 10,
        date: "2012-08-01"

// JSONP - Default JSONP call to a JSONP server{
    jsonp: true,
    success: function( data ){

// JSONP - JSONP call with a changed callback parameter{
    jsonp: {
        callback: "jsonp"
    success: function( data ){

// Paging - using the default weblinking protocal
var defaultPagingPipe = AeroGear.Pipeline([{
    name: "webLinking",
    settings: {
        endpoint: "pageTestWebLink",
        pageConfig: true

// Get a limit of 2 pieces of data from the server, starting from the first page
// Calling the "next" function will get the next 2 pieces of data, if available.
// Similarily, calling the "previous" function will get the previous 2 pieces of data, if available{
    offsetValue: 1,
    limitValue: 2,
    success: function( data, textStatus, jqXHR ) {{
            success: function( data ) {
                    success: function() {

// Create a new Pipe with a custom paging options
var customPagingPipe = AeroGear.Pipeline([{
    name: "customPipe",
    settings: {
        pageConfig: {
            metadataLocation: "header",
            previousIdentifier: "back",
            nextIdentifier: "forward"

// Even with custom options, you use "next" and "previous" the same way{
    offsetValue: 1,
    limitValue: 2,
    success: function( data, textStatus, jqXHR ) {{
            success: function( data ) {
                    success: function() {

remove(data, options) → {Object}

Remove data asynchronously from the server. Passing nothing will inform the server to remove all data at this pipe's endpoint.
Name Type Argument Default Description
data String | Object <optional>
A variety of objects can be passed to specify the item(s) to remove
options Object <optional>
{} Additional options
Name Type Argument Description
complete AeroGear~completeCallbackREST <optional>
a callback to be called when the result of the request to the server is complete, regardless of success
error AeroGear~errorCallbackREST <optional>
a callback to be called when the request to the server results in an error
statusCode Object <optional>
a collection of status codes and callbacks to fire when the request to the server returns on of those codes. For more info see the statusCode option on the jQuery.ajax page.
success AeroGear~successCallbackREST <optional>
a callback to be called when the result of the request to the server is successful
The jqXHR created by jQuery.ajax. To cancel the request, simply call the abort() method of the jqXHR object which will then trigger the error and complete callbacks for this request. For more info, see the jQuery.ajax page.
    var myPipe = AeroGear.Pipeline( "tasks" ).pipes[ 0 ];

    // Store a new task{
        title: "Created Task",
        id: 1

    // Store another new task{
        title: "Another Created Task",
        id: 2

    // Store one more new task{
        title: "And Another Created Task",
        id: 3

    // Remove a particular item from the server by its id
    myPipe.remove( 1 );

    // Delete all remaining data from the server associated with this pipe

save(data, options) → {Object}

Save data asynchronously to the server. If this is a new object (doesn't have a record identifier provided by the server), the data is created on the server (POST) and then that record is sent back to the client including the new server-assigned id, otherwise, the data on the server is updated (PUT).
Name Type Argument Default Description
data Object For new data, this will be an object representing the data to be saved to the server. For updating data, a hash of key/value pairs one of which must be the `recordId` you set during creation of the pipe representing the identifier the server will use to update this record and then any other number of pairs representing the data. The data object is then stringified and passed to the server to be processed. To upload a File, pass in a File or Blob object. *IE Users - File Upload is only supported in IE 10 and above*
options Object <optional>
{} Additional options
Name Type Argument Description
complete AeroGear~completeCallbackREST <optional>
a callback to be called when the result of the request to the server is complete, regardless of success
error AeroGear~errorCallbackREST <optional>
a callback to be called when the request to the server results in an error
statusCode Object <optional>
a collection of status codes and callbacks to fire when the request to the server returns on of those codes. For more info see the statusCode option on the jQuery.ajax page.
success AeroGear~successCallbackREST <optional>
a callback to be called when the result of the request to the server is successful
progress AeroGear~progressCallbackREST <optional>
a callback that is a hook to monitor the upload progress when uploading a File.( if available )
The jqXHR created by jQuery.ajax. To cancel the request, simply call the abort() method of the jqXHR object which will then trigger the error and complete callbacks for this request. For more info, see the jQuery.ajax page.
    var myPipe = AeroGear.Pipeline( "tasks" ).pipes[ 0 ];

    // Store a new task{
        title: "Created Task",
        date: "2012-07-13",

    // Pass a success and error callback, in this case using the REST pipe and jQuery.ajax so the functions take the same parameters.{
        title: "Another Created Task",
        date: "2012-07-13",
        success: function( data, textStatus, jqXHR ) {
            console.log( "Success" );
        error: function( jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown ) {
            console.log( "Error" );

    // Update an existing piece of data
    var toUpdate = {
        id: "Some Existing ID",
        title: "Updated Task"
    } toUpdate );