/* AeroGear JavaScript Library
* https://github.com/aerogear/aerogear-js
* JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source
* Copyright Red Hat, Inc., and individual contributors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
The AeroGear.Auth namespace provides an authentication and enrollment API. Through the use of adapters, this library provides common methods like enroll, login and logout that will just work.
@status Stable
@param {String|Array|Object} [config] - A configuration for the modules(s) being created along with the authenticator. If an object or array containing objects is used, the objects can have the following properties:
@param {String} config.name - the name that the module will later be referenced by
@param {String} [config.type="rest"] - the type of module as determined by the adapter used
@param {Object} [config.settings={}] - the settings to be passed to the adapter. For specific settings, see the documentation for the adapter you are using.
@returns {Object} The created authenticator containing any auth modules that may have been created
// Create an empty authenticator
var auth = AeroGear.Auth();
// Create a single module using the default adapter
var auth2 = AeroGear.Auth( "myAuth" );
// Create multiple modules using the default adapter
var auth3 = AeroGear.Auth( [ "someAuth", "anotherAuth" ] );
// Create a single module by passing an object using the default adapter
var auth4 = AeroGear.Auth(
name: "objectAuth"
// Create multiple modules by passing an array of objects using the default adapter
var auth5 = AeroGear.Auth([
name: "objectAuth"
name: "objectAuth2",
settings: { ... }
AeroGear.Auth = function( config ) {
// Allow instantiation without using new
if ( !( this instanceof AeroGear.Auth ) ) {
return new AeroGear.Auth( config );
// Super Constructor
AeroGear.Core.call( this );
this.lib = "Auth";
this.type = config ? config.type || "Rest" : "Rest";
The name used to reference the collection of authentication module instances created from the adapters
@memberOf AeroGear.Auth
@type Object
@default modules
this.collectionName = "modules";
this.add( config );
AeroGear.Auth.prototype = AeroGear.Core;
AeroGear.Auth.constructor = AeroGear.Auth;
The adapters object is provided so that adapters can be added to the AeroGear.Auth namespace dynamically and still be accessible to the add method
@augments AeroGear.Auth
AeroGear.Auth.adapters = {};