Adapter: Rest

AeroGear.Auth.adapters. Rest

new Rest(moduleName, settings) → {Object}

Status: Stable
The REST adapter is the default type used when creating a new authentication module. It uses jQuery.ajax to communicate with the server. This constructor is instantiated when the "Auth.add()" method is called
Name Type Argument Default Description
moduleName String the name used to reference this particular auth module
settings Object <optional>
{} the settings to be passed to the adapter
Name Type Argument Default Description
baseURL String <optional>
defines the base URL to use for an endpoint
endpoints Object <optional>
{} a set of REST endpoints that correspond to the different public methods including enroll, login and logout
The created auth module
        // Create an empty Authenticator
        var auth = AeroGear.Auth();

        // Add a custom REST module to it
        auth.add( {
            name: "module1",
            settings: {
                baseURL: ""

        // Add a custom REST module to it with custom security endpoints
        auth.add( {
            name: "module2",
            settings: {
                endpoints: {
                    enroll: "register",
                    login: "go",
                    logout: "leave"


enroll(data, options) → {Object}

Enroll a new user in the authentication system
Name Type Argument Default Description
data Object User profile to enroll
options Object <optional>
{} Options to pass to the enroll method
Name Type Argument Description
baseURL String <optional>
defines the base URL to use for an endpoint
contentType String <optional>
set the content type for the AJAX request
dataType String <optional>
specify the data expected to be returned by the server
xhrFields Object <optional>
specify extra xhr options, like the withCredentials flag
complete AeroGear~completeCallbackREST <optional>
a callback to be called when the result of the request to the server is complete, regardless of success
error AeroGear~errorCallbackREST <optional>
callback to be executed if the AJAX request results in an error
success AeroGear~successCallbackREST <optional>
callback to be executed if the AJAX request results in success
The jqXHR created by jQuery.ajax
        var auth = AeroGear.Auth( "userAuth" ).modules.userAuth,
            data = { userName: "user", password: "abc123", name: "John" };

        // Enroll a new user
        auth.enroll( data );

        // Add a custom REST module to it with custom security endpoints
        var custom = AeroGear.Auth({
            name: "customModule",
            settings: {
                endpoints: {
                    enroll: "register",
                    login: "go",
                    logout: "leave"
        data = { userName: "user", password: "abc123", name: "John" };

        custom.enroll( data, {
            baseURL: "http://customurl/",
            success: function( data ) { ... },
            error: function( error ) { ... }

login(data, options) → {Object}

Authenticate a user
Name Type Argument Default Description
data Object A set of key/value pairs representing the user's credentials
options Object <optional>
{} An object containing key/value pairs representing options
Name Type Argument Description
baseURL String <optional>
defines the base URL to use for an endpoint
contentType String <optional>
set the content type for the AJAX request
dataType String <optional>
specify the data expected to be returned by the server
complete AeroGear~completeCallbackREST <optional>
a callback to be called when the result of the request to the server is complete, regardless of success
error AeroGear~errorCallbackREST <optional>
callback to be executed if the AJAX request results in an error
success AeroGear~successCallbackREST <optional>
callback to be executed if the AJAX request results in success
The jqXHR created by jQuery.ajax
        var auth = AeroGear.Auth( "userAuth" ).modules.userAuth,
            data = { userName: "user", password: "abc123" };

        // Enroll a new user
        auth.login( data );

        // Add a custom REST module to it with custom security endpoints
        var custom = AeroGear.Auth({
            name: "customModule",
            settings: {
                endpoints: {
                    enroll: "register",
                    login: "go",
                    logout: "leave"
        data = { userName: "user", password: "abc123", name: "John" };

        custom.login( data, {
            baseURL: "http://customurl/",
            success: function( data ) { ... },
            error: function( error ) { ... }

logout(options) → {Object}

End a user's authenticated session
Name Type Argument Default Description
options Object <optional>
{} An object containing key/value pairs representing options
Name Type Argument Description
baseURL String <optional>
defines the base URL to use for an endpoint
complete AeroGear~completeCallbackREST <optional>
a callback to be called when the result of the request to the server is complete, regardless of success
error AeroGear~errorCallbackREST <optional>
callback to be executed if the AJAX request results in an error
success AeroGear~successCallbackREST <optional>
callback to be executed if the AJAX request results in success
The jqXHR created by jQuery.ajax
        var auth = AeroGear.Auth( "userAuth" ).modules.userAuth;

        // Enroll a new user

        // Add a custom REST module to it with custom security endpoints
        var custom = AeroGear.Auth({
            name: "customModule",
            settings: {
                endpoints: {
                    enroll: "register",
                    login: "go",
                    logout: "leave"
        data = { userName: "user", password: "abc123", name: "John" };

            baseURL: "http://customurl/",
            success: function( data ) { ... },
            error: function( error ) { ... }