Documentation Aerogear API documentation & specifications.

AeroGear Client Paging Usage

Below is a comparison of the method usage proposed by each lib for handling paged resources.

Enable Paging

General Use Case : The client configures paging settings.


ReadFilter filter = new ReadFilter();

cars.readWithFilter(filter, new Callback<Car>() {
  void onSuccess(List<Car> data) {
    firstPage = data;

  void onError(Exception ex) {
    //handle error


NSURL* baseURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@""];
AGPipeline* agPipeline = [AGPipeline pipelineWithBaseURL:baseURL];

// create the Pipe and set paging configuration
id<AGPipe> cars = [agPipeline pipe:^(id<AGPipeConfig> config) {
  [config setName:@"cars-custom"];
  [config setNextIdentifier:@"AG-Links-Next"];
  [config setPreviousIdentifier:@"AG-Links-Previous"];
  [config setMetadataLocation:@"header"];

__block NSMutableArray *pagedResultSet;

// fetch the first page
[cars readWithParams:@{@"color" : @"black", @"offset" : @"0", @"limit" : @1} success:^(id responseObject) {
  pagedResultSet = responseObject;

  // do something

} failure:^(NSError *error) {
  //handle error


var cars = AeroGear.Pipeline({
  name: "cars",
  settings: {
    pageConfig: {
      metadataLocation: "header",
      previousIdentifier: "AG-Links-Previous",
      nextIdentifier: "AG-Links-Next"

// Fetch first page of 10 cars{
  offsetValue: 0,
  limitValue: 10,
  success: function( pagedResults ) {
    // do something
  error: function() {
    // handle it

General Use Case : The client request the next page of a Pipe response.

Failure Use Case : The current page is the last page.

Retrieving the first page : offset must be 0.


ReadFilter filter = new ReadFilter();

cars.readWithFilter(filter, new Callback<Car>() {
  void onSuccess(List<Car> data) {
    firstPage = data;

  void onError(Exception ex) {
    //handle error
}); CallBack<Car>() {
  void onSuccess(List<Car> secondPagedList) {
    //Do somethign with second Paged list

  void onError(Exception ex) {
    //handle error


General Use Case : The client requests the next page of a Pipe response.

// move to the next page
[pagedResultSet next:^(id responseObject) {
  // do something

} failure:^(NSError *error) {
  //handle error

Failure Use Case : The current page is the last page.

Moving to the next page from last is left on the specific server implementation, the library will not treat it differently. Some servers can throw an error (like Twitter or AGController does) by respondng with an http error response, or simply return an empty list.

Retrieving the first page : offset must be 0.

To specify new offset, simply redefine query params and start over.

[cars readWithParams:@{@"color" : @"black", @"offset" : @"0", @"limit" : @10} success:^(id responseObject) {
  pagedResultSet = responseObject;

  //do something

} failure:^(NSError *error) {
  //handle error


General Use Case : The client requests the next page of a Pipe response.{
  success: function( morePagedResults ) {
    // do something
  error: function() {
    // handle it

Failure Use Case : The current page is the last page.

Moving to the next page from last is left on the specific server implementation, the library will not treat it differently. Some servers can throw an error (like Twitter or AGController does) by respondng with an http error response, or simply return an empty list.

Retrieving the first page : offset must be 0.

// Fetch first page of 10 cars{
  offsetValue: 0,
  limitValue: 10,
  success: function( pagedResults ) {
    // do something
  error: function() {
    // handle it

Read Previous Page

General Use Case : The client request the previous page of a Pipe response.

Failure Use Case : The current page is the first page.


ReadFilter filter = new ReadFilter();
cars.readWithFilter(filter, new Callback<Car>() {
  void onSuccess(List<Car> data) {
    secondPage = data;

  void onError(Exception ex) {
    //handle error

secondPage.prev(new CallBack<Car>() {
  void onSuccess(List<Car> firstPagedList) {
    //Do somethign with second Paged list

  void onError(Exception ex) {
    //handle error


General Use Case : The client request the previous page of a Pipe response.

[pagedResultSet previous:^(id responseObject) {
  // do something

} failure:^(NSError *error) {
  //handle error

Failure Use Case : The current page is the first page.

Similar to next case, the behaviour is left to the specific server implementation.


General Use Case : The client request the previous page of a Pipe response.

  success: function( morePagedResults ) {
    // do something
  error: function() {
    // handle it

Failure Use Case : The current page is the first page.

Similar to next case, the behaviour is left to the specific server implementation.

Change Offset and Limit

General Use Case : The client changes the paging configuration mid-flight.


ReadFilter filter = new ReadFilter();

cars.readWithFilter(filter, new Callback<Car>() {
  void onSuccess(List<Car> data) {
    //do something

  void onError(Exception ex) {
    //handle error

filter = new ReadFilter();

cars.readWithFilter(filter, new Callback<Car>() {
  void onSuccess(List<Car> data) {
    //do something

  void onError(Exception ex) {
    //handle error


Simply redefine query params and start over.

[cars readWithParams:@{@"color" : @"black", @"offset" : @"6", @"limit" : @10} success:^(id responseObject) {
  pagedResultSet = responseObject;

  //do something

} failure:^(NSError *error) {
  //handle error


General Use Case : The client changes the paging configuration mid-flight.{
  offsetValue: 3,
  limitValue: 5,
  success: function( data ) {
    // do something
  error: function() {
    // handle it

Jumping to a specific page

General Use Case : The client request a specific page.

Failure Use Case : The requested page does not exist.


ReadFilter filter = new ReadFilter();

cars.readWithFilter(filter, new Callback<Car>() {
  void onSuccess(List<Car> data) {
    //handling page 2

  void onError(Exception ex) {
    //handle error


Simply redefine query params and start over.

[cars readWithParams:@{@"color" : @"black", @"offset" : @"10", @"limit" : @5} success:^(id responseObject) {
  pagedResultSet = responseObject;

  // do something with the response...

} failure:^(NSError *error) {
    //handle error

  offsetValue: 1,
  limitValue: 2,
  success: function( data ) {
    // handle page 2
  error: function() {
    // handle page not existing

Return All Records (No longer paged)

Android Callback<Car>() {
  void onSuccess(List<Car> allRecords) {
   //do something

  void onError(Exception ex) {
    //handle error


[pipe read:^(id responseObject) {
  // do something with the response...
} failure:^(NSError *error) {...}];


// Get all records for a single read but continue paging afterward{
  paging: false,
  success: function( data ) {
    // do something
  error: function() {
    // handle it
