Source: unifiedpush/aerogear.unifiedpush.js

/* AeroGear JavaScript Library
* JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source
* Copyright Red Hat, Inc., and individual contributors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
(function( AeroGear, undefined ) {
        The UnifiedPushClient object is used to perfom register and unregister operations against the AeroGear UnifiedPush server.
        @status Experimental
        @constructs AeroGear.UnifiedPushClient
        @param {String} variantID - the id representing the mobile application variant
        @param {String} variantSecret - the secret for the mobile application variant
        @param {String} pushServerURL - the location of the UnifiedPush server e.g. http(s)//host:port/context
        @returns {Object} The created unified push server client
        // Create the UnifiedPush client object:
        var client = AeroGear.UnifiedPushClient(

        // assemble the metadata for the registration:
        var metadata = {
            deviceToken: "",
            alias: "some_username",
            categories: [ "email" ]

        var settings = {};

        settings.metadata = metadata;

        // perform the registration against the UnifiedPush server:
        client.registerWithPushServer( settings );

    AeroGear.UnifiedPushClient = function( variantID, variantSecret, pushServerURL ) {

        // we require all arguments to be present, otherwise it does not work
        if ( !variantID || !variantSecret || !pushServerURL ) {
            throw "UnifiedPushClientException";

        // Allow instantiation without using new
        if ( !( this instanceof AeroGear.UnifiedPushClient ) ) {
            return new AeroGear.UnifiedPushClient( variantID, variantSecret, pushServerURL );

        pushServerURL = pushServerURL.substr(-1) === '/' ? pushServerURL : pushServerURL + '/';

        this._ajax = function( settings ) {
            return new Promise( function( resolve, reject ) {
                var header,
                    that = this,
                    request = new XMLHttpRequest();

       settings.type || "GET", settings.url, true, settings.username, settings.password );

                request.responseType = "json";
                request.setRequestHeader( "Content-Type", "application/json" );
                request.setRequestHeader( "Accept", "application/json" );

                if( settings.headers ) {
                    for ( header in settings.headers ) {
                        request.setRequestHeader( header, settings.headers[ header ] );

                // Success and 400's
                request.onload = function() {
                    var status = ( request.status < 400 ) ? "success" : "error",
                        promiseValue = that._createPromiseValue( request, status );

                    if( status === "success" ) {
                        return resolve( promiseValue );

                    return reject( promiseValue );

                // Network errors
                request.onerror = function() {
                    return reject( that._createPromiseValue( request, "error" ) );

                // create promise arguments
                this._createPromiseValue = function( request, status ) {
                    return {
                        data: request.response,
                        statusText: request.statusText || status,
                        agXHR: request

                request.send( );
            Performs a register request against the UnifiedPush Server using the given metadata which represents a client that wants to register with the server.
            @param {Object} settings The settings to pass in
            @param {Object} settings.metadata - the metadata for the client
            @param {String} settings.metadata.deviceToken - identifies the client within its PushNetwork. On Android this is the registrationID, on iOS this is the deviceToken and on SimplePush this is the URL of the given SimplePush server/network.
            @param {String} [settings.metadata.alias] - Application specific alias to identify users with the system. Common use case would be an email address or a username.
            @param {Array} [settings.metadata.categories] - In SimplePush this is the name of the registration endpoint. On Hybrid platforms like Apache Cordova this is used for tagging the registered client.
            @param {String} [settings.metadata.operatingSystem] - Useful on Hybrid platforms like Apache Cordova to specifiy the underlying operating system.
            @param {String} [settings.metadata.osVersion] - Useful on Hybrid platforms like Apache Cordova to specify the version of the underlying operating system.
            @param {String} [settings.metadata.deviceType] - Useful on Hybrid platforms like Apache Cordova to specify the type of the used device, like iPad or Android-Phone.
            @returns {Object} An ES6 Promise
        this.registerWithPushServer = function( settings ) {
            settings = settings || {};
            var metadata = settings.metadata || {};

            // we need a deviceToken, registrationID or a channelID:
            if ( !metadata.deviceToken ) {
                throw "UnifiedPushRegistrationException";

            // Make sure that settings.metadata.categories is an Array
            metadata.categories = Array.isArray( metadata.categories ) ? metadata.categories : ( metadata.categories ? [ metadata.categories ] : [] );

            return this._ajax({
                type: "POST",
                url: pushServerURL + "rest/registry/device",
                headers: {
                    "Authorization": "Basic " + window.btoa(variantID + ":" + variantSecret)
                data: JSON.stringify( metadata )

            Performs an unregister request against the UnifiedPush Server for the given deviceToken. The deviceToken identifies the client within its PushNetwork. On Android this is the registrationID, on iOS this is the deviceToken and on SimplePush this is the URL of the given SimplePush server/network.
            @param {String} deviceToken - unique String which identifies the client that is being unregistered.
            @returns {Object} An ES6 Promise
        this.unregisterWithPushServer = function( deviceToken ) {
            return this._ajax({
                type: "DELETE",
                url: pushServerURL + "rest/registry/device/" + deviceToken,
                headers: {
                    "Authorization": "Basic " + window.btoa(variantID + ":" + variantSecret)

})( AeroGear );