Inherits from NSObject
Declared in AGDataManager.h


AGDataManager manages different AGStore implementations. It is basically a factory that hides the concrete instantiations of a specific AGStore implementation. The class offers simple APIs to add, remove or get access to a ‘data store’.

NOTE: Right now, there is NO automatic data sync. This is up to the user.

Create a DataManager with a Store object:

Below is simple example that creates a DataManager initialized to use the default in-memory store.

// create the DataManager
AGDataManager* dm = [AGDataManager manager];
// add a new (default) store object:
id<AGStore> myStore = [dm store:^(id<AGStoreConfig> config) {
    [config setName:@"tasks"];
    [config setType:@"MEMORY"];  // can be omitted, the default is an "in-memory" store

Similar to the Pipe API, technical details of the underlying system are not exposed.

Save data to the Store

Below is an example that stores the received objects, read from the [AGPipe read:failure:] method.

id<AGPipe> tasksPipe = [todo get:@"tasks"];

[tasksPipe read:^(id responseObject) {
    // the response object represents an NSArray,
    // containing multiple 'Tasks' (as NSDictionary objects)

    // Save the response object to the store
    NSError *error;

    if (![myStore save:responseObject error:&error])
        NSLog(@"Save: An error occurred during save! \n%@", error);

} failure:^(NSError *error) {
    // when an error occurs... at least log it to the console..
    NSLog(@"Read: An error occurred! \n%@", error);

When loading all tasks from the server, the AGStore object is used inside of the read block from the AGPipe object. The returned collection of tasks is stored inside our in-memory store, from where the data can be accessed.

Read an object from the Store

The read function accepts the recordID of the object you want to retrieve. If the object does not exist in the store, nil is returned.

// read the task with the '0' ID:
id taskObject =  [myStore read:@"0"];

If you want to read all the objects contained in the store, simply call the readAll function

// read all objects from the store
NSArray *objects = [myStore readAll];

Remove one object from the Store

The remove function allows you to delete a single entry in the collection, if present:

// remove the task with the '0' ID:
NSError *error;

if (![myStore remove:@"0" error:error])
    NSLog(@"Save: An error occurred during remove! \n%@", error);

The remove method accepts the recordID of the object you want to remove. If the object does not exist in the store, NO is returned.

Filter the entire Store

Filtering of the data available in the AGStore is also supported, by using the familiar NSPredicate class available in iOS. In the following example, after storing a pair of dictionaries representing user information details in the store (which can be easily come from a response from a server), we simple call the filter method to filter out the desired information:

 NSMutableDictionary *user1 = [@{@"id" : @"1",
                                @"name" : @"Robert",
                                @"city" : @"Boston",
                                @"department" : @{@"name" : @"Software", @"address" : @"Cornwell"},
                                @"experience" : @[@{@"language" : @"Java", @"level" : @"advanced"},
                                                  @{@"language" : @"C", @"level" : @"advanced"}]
                              } mutableCopy];

NSMutableDictionary *user2 = [@{@"id" : @"2",
                                @"name" : @"David",
                                @"city" : @"Boston",
                                @"department" : @{@"name" : @"Software", @"address" : @"Cornwell"},
                                @"experience" : @[@{@"language" : @"Java", @"level" : @"intermediate"},
                                                  @{@"language" : @"Python", @"level" : @"intermediate"}]
                              } mutableCopy];

NSMutableDictionary *user3 = [@{@"id" : @"3",
                                @"name" : @"Peter",
                                @"city" : @"Boston",
                                @"department" : @{@"name" : @"Software", @"address" : @"Branton"},
                                @"experience" : @[@{@"language" : @"Java", @"level" : @"advanced"},
                                                  @{@"language" : @"C", @"level" : @"intermediate"}]
                              } mutableCopy];

// save objects
BOOL success = [_memStore save:users error:nil];

if (success) { // if save succeeded, query the data
    NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate
                              predicateWithFormat:@"city = 'Boston' AND = 'Software' \
                              AND SUBQUERY(experience, $x, $x.language = 'Java' AND $x.level = 'advanced').@count > 0" ];

    NSArray *results = [_memStore filter:predicate];

    // The array now contains the dictionaries _user1_ and _user_3, since they both satisfy the query predicate.
    // do something with the 'results'
    // ...

Using NSPredicate to filter desired data, is a powerful mechanism offered in iOS and we strongly suggest to familiarize yourself with it, if not already. Take a look at Apple’s own documentation for more information.

Reset the entire Store

The reset function allows you the erase all data available in the used AGStore object:

// clears the entire store
NSError *error;

if (![myStore reset:&error])
    NSLog(@"Reset: An error occurred during reset! \n%@", error);

Class Methods


A factory method to instantiate the AGDataManager object.

+ (id)manager

Return Value

the AGDataManager object


A factory method to instantiate the AGDataManager object.

Declared In


Instance Methods


Removes a AGStore implementation from the AGDataManager. The store to be removed is determined by the storeName argument.

- (id<AGStore>)remove:(NSString *)storeName



The name of the actual data store object.


Removes a AGStore implementation from the AGDataManager. The store to be removed is determined by the storeName argument.

Declared In



Adds a new AGStore object, based on the given configuration object.

- (id<AGStore>)store:(void ( ^ ) ( id<AGStoreConfig> config ))config



A block object which passes in an implementation of the AGStoreConfig protocol. the object is used to configure the AGStore object.

Return Value

the newly created AGStore object.


Adds a new AGStore object, based on the given configuration object.

Declared In



Loads a given AGStore implementation, based on the given storeName argument.

- (id<AGStore>)storeWithName:(NSString *)storeName



The name of the actual data store object.


Loads a given AGStore implementation, based on the given storeName argument.

Declared In
