Source: notifier/adapters/stompws.js

/* AeroGear JavaScript Library
* JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source
* Copyright Red Hat, Inc., and individual contributors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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* limitations under the License.
    The stomp adapter uses an underlying stomp.js implementation for messaging.
    @deprecated since 2.1.0 and will be removed in a future release.
    @status Deprecated
    @constructs AeroGear.Notifier.adapters.stompws
    @param {String} clientName - the name used to reference this particular notifier client
    @param {Object} [settings={}] - the settings to be passed to the adapter
    @param {Boolean} [settings.autoConnect=false] - Automatically connect the client to the connectURL on creation IF LOGIN IS NOT NEEDED. This option is ignored and a connection is automatically established if channels are provided as the connection is necessary prior to channel subscription
    @param {String} [settings.connectURL=""] - defines the URL for connecting to the messaging service
    @param {Function} [settings.onConnect] - callback to be executed when a connection is established if autoConnect === true
    @param {Function} [settings.onConnectError] - callback to be executed when connecting to a service is unsuccessful if autoConnect === true
    @param {Array} [settings.channels=[]] - a set of channel objects to which this client can subscribe. Each object should have a String address as well as a callback to be executed when a message is received on that channel.
    @returns {Object} The created notifier client
    // Create an empty Notifier
    var notifier = AeroGear.Notifier();

    // Create a channel object and the channel callback function
    var channelObject = {
        address: "",
        callback: channelCallback

    function channelCallback( message ) {
        console.log( message );

    // Add a stompws client with all the settings that will autoConnect to the server and subscribe to a channel
        name: "client1",
        type: "stompws"
        settings: {
            autoConnect: true,
            connectURL: "ws://localhost:61614/stomp",
            onConnect: function() {
                console.log( "connected" );
            onConnectError: function() {
                console.log( "connection error" );
            channels: [ channelObject ]
AeroGear.Notifier.adapters.stompws = function( clientName, settings ) {
    // Allow instantiation without using new
    if ( !( this instanceof AeroGear.Notifier.adapters.stompws ) ) {
        return new AeroGear.Notifier.adapters.stompws( clientName, settings );

    settings = settings || {};

    AeroGear.Notifier.adapters.base.apply( this, arguments );

    // Private Instance vars
    var type = "stompws";

// Public Methods
    Connect the client to the messaging service
    @param {Object} [options={}] - Options to pass to the connect method
    @param {String} [options.login] - login name used to connect to the server
    @param {String} [options.password] - password used to connect to the server
    @param {String|Array} [options.protocol="v11.stomp"] - STOMP protocol to use. Can either be a string with a single protocol or an array of protocol strings
    @param {String} [options.url] - The URL for the messaging service. This url will override and reset any connectURL specified when the client was created.
    @param {Function} [options.onConnect] - callback to be executed when a connection is established
    @param {Function} [options.onConnectError] - callback to be executed when connecting to a service is unsuccessful
    @param {String} [] - name of a virtual host on the stomp server that the client wishes to connect to
    // Create an empty Notifier
    var notifier = AeroGear.Notifier();

    // Create a channel object and the channel callback function
    var channelObject = {
        address: "",
        callback: channelCallback

    function channelCallback( message ) {
        console.log( message );

    // Add stompws clients
        name: "client1",
        type: "stompws"
        settings: {
            connectURL: "ws://localhost:61614/stomp",
            onConnect: function() {
                console.log( "connected" );
            onConnectError: function() {
                console.log( "connection error" );
            channels: [ channelObject ]
        name: "client2",
        type: "stompws"
        settings: {
            connectURL: "ws://localhost:61614/stomp1",
            onConnect: function() {
                console.log( "connected" );
            onConnectError: function() {
                console.log( "connection error" );

    // Connect to the Server with login/password
        login: "guest",
        password: "guest"
        onConnect: function() {
            console.log( "connected" );
        onConnectError: function( event ) {
            console.log( "connection error", event );

    // Connect to an unsecured Server
        onConnect: function() {
            console.log( "connected" );
        onConnectError: function( event ) {
            console.log( "connection error", event );
AeroGear.Notifier.adapters.stompws.prototype.connect = function( options ) {
    options = options || {};
    var that = this,
        client = new Stomp.client( options.url || this.getConnectURL(), options.protocol || "v11.stomp" ),
        onConnect = function() {
            // Make a copy of the channel array instead of a reference.
            var channels = that.getChannels().slice( 0 );

            that.setState( AeroGear.Notifier.CONNECTED );

            that.subscribe( channels, true );

            if ( options.onConnect ) {
                options.onConnect.apply( this, arguments );
        onConnectError = function() {
            that.setState( AeroGear.Notifier.DISCONNECTED );
            if ( options.onConnectError ) {
                options.onConnectError.apply( this, arguments );

    client.connect( options.login, options.password, onConnect, onConnectError, );
    this.setClient( client );

    Disconnect the client from the messaging service
    @param {Function} [onDisconnect] - callback to be executed when a connection is terminated
    // Disconnect from the messaging service and pass a function to be called after disconnecting
        function() {
            console.log( "connected" );

AeroGear.Notifier.adapters.stompws.prototype.disconnect = function( onDisconnect ) {
    var that = this,
        client = this.getClient(),
        disconnected = function() {
            if ( that.getState() === AeroGear.Notifier.DISCONNECTING ) {
                // Fire disconnect as usual
                that.setState( AeroGear.Notifier.DISCONNECTED );
                if ( onDisconnect ) {
                    onDisconnect.apply( this, arguments );

    if ( this.getState() === AeroGear.Notifier.CONNECTED ) {
        this.setState( AeroGear.Notifier.DISCONNECTING );
        client.disconnect( disconnected );

    Subscribe this client to a new channel
    @param {Object|Array} channels - a channel object or array of channel objects to which this client can subscribe. Each object should have a String address as well as a callback to be executed when a message is received on that channel.
    @param {Boolean} [reset] - if true, remove all channels from the set and replace with the supplied channel(s)
    // Subscribe to a channel
        address: "channelAddress",
        callback: function(){ ... }

    // Subscribe to multiple channels
            address: "channelAddress1",
            callback: function(){ ... }
            address: "channelAddress2",
            callback: function(){ ... }

    // Subscribe to a channel, but first unsubscribe from all currently subscribed channels by adding the reset parameter
        address: "channelAddress3",
        callback: function(){ ... }
    }, true );

AeroGear.Notifier.adapters.stompws.prototype.subscribe = function( channels, reset ) {
    var client = this.getClient();

    if ( reset ) {
        this.unsubscribe( this.getChannels() );

    channels = Array.isArray( channels ) ? channels : [ channels ];
    for ( var i = 0; i < channels.length; i++ ) {
        channels[ i ].id = client.subscribe( channels[ i ].address, channels[ i ].callback );
        this.addChannel( channels[ i ] );

    Set the client's debug property. Used to see the data being sent and received.
    @param {Function} [onData] - callback to be executed when data is sent and received
    // Log data being sent and received
        function(data) {
            console.log( data );
AeroGear.Notifier.adapters.stompws.prototype.debug = function( onData ) {
    var client = this.getClient(),
        debug = function() {
            if ( onData ) {
                onData.apply( this, arguments );

    if ( client ) {
        client.debug = debug;

    Unsubscribe this client from a channel
    @param {Object|Array} channels - a channel object or a set of channel objects to which this client nolonger wishes to subscribe
    // Unsubscribe from a channel
        address: "channelAddress",
        callback: function(){ ... }

    // Unsubscribe from multiple channels
            address: "channelAddress1",
            callback: function(){ ... }
            address: "channelAddress2",
            callback: function(){ ... }
AeroGear.Notifier.adapters.stompws.prototype.unsubscribe = function( channels ) {
    var client = this.getClient(),
        thisChannels = this.getChannels();

    channels = Array.isArray( channels ) ? channels : [ channels ];
    for ( var i = 0; i < channels.length; i++ ) {
        client.unsubscribe( channels[ i ].id || thisChannels[ this.getChannelIndex( channels[ i ].address ) ].id );
        this.removeChannel( channels[ i ] );

    Send a message to a particular channel
    @param {String} channel - the channel to which to send the message
    @param {String|Object} [message=""] - the message object to send
    // Send an empty message to a channel
    notifier.clients.client2.send( "" );

    // Send a "Hello" message to a channel
    notifier.clients.client2.send( "", "Hello" );

    // Send a "Hello" message as an object,  requires headers( can just be an empty object )
    notifier.clients.client2.send( "", { "headers": {}, "body": "Hello" } );

    // Send a "Hello" message as an object,  with non empty headers
    notifier.clients.client2.send( "", { "headers": { priority: 9 }, "body": "Hello" } );

AeroGear.Notifier.adapters.stompws.prototype.send = function( channel, message ) {
    var headers = {},
        client = this.getClient();

    message = message || "";
    if ( message.headers ) {
        headers = message.headers;
        message = message.body;

    client.send( channel, headers, message );