Conforms to NSObject
Declared in AGPipe.h


AGPipe represents a server connection. An object of this class is responsible to communicate with the server in order to perform read/write operations.

Save data

To store newly created objects on a remote server resource you use the save method. Currently the objects are just simple map objects but in the future we are looking to support more advanced(complex) frameworks, like Core Data.

In the example below, the save function stores the given NSDictionary on the server, in this case on a RESTful resource. As arguments it accepts simple blocks that are invoked on success or in case of an failure.

// create a dictionary and set some key/value data on it:
NSMutableDictionary* projectEntity = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
[projectEntity setValue:@"Hello World" forKey:@"title"];
// add other properties, like style etc ...

// save the 'new' project:
[projects save:projectEntity success:^(id responseObject) {
    // LOG the JSON response, returned from the server:
    NSLog(@"CREATE RESPONSE\n%@", [responseObject description]);

    // get the id of the new project, from the JSON response...
    id resourceId = [responseObject valueForKey:@"id"];

    // and update the 'object', so that it knows its ID...
    [projectEntity setValue:[resourceId stringValue] forKey:@"id"];

} failure:^(NSError *error) {
    // when an error occurs... at least log it to the console..
    NSLog(@"SAVE: An error occurred! \n%@", error);

Update data

The save method is also responsible for updating an ‘object’. However this happens only when there is an ‘id’ property/field available:

// change the title of the previous project 'object':
[projectEntity setValue:@"Hello Update World!" forKey:@"title"];

// and now update it on the server
[projects save:projectEntity success:^(id responseObject) {
    // LOG the JSON response, returned from the server:
    NSLog(@"UPDATE RESPONSE\n%@", [responseObject description]);
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
    // when an error occurs... at least log it to the console..
    NSLog(@"UPDATE: An error occurred! \n%@", error);

Remove data

The AGPipe also contains a remove method to delete the data on the server. It takes the map object which must have an ‘id’ property/field set, so that it knows which resource to delete:

// Now, just remove the project:
[projects remove:projectEntity success:^(id responseObject) {
    // LOG the JSON response, returned from the server:
    NSLog(@"DELETE RESPONSE\n%@", [responseObject description]);
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
    // when an error occurs... at least log it to the console..
    NSLog(@"DELETE: An error occurred! \n%@", error);

In this case, where we have a RESTful pipe, the API issues an HTTP DELETE request.

## Read all data from the server

The read method allows to (currently) read all data from the server, of the underlying AGPipe:

[projects read:^(id responseObject) {
    // LOG the JSON response, returned from the server:
    NSLog(@"READ RESPONSE\n%@", [responseObject description]);
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
    // when an error occurs... at least log it to the console..
    NSLog(@"Read: An error occured! \n%@", error);
}];                             r

Since we are pointing to a RESTful endpoint, the API issues a HTTP GET request. The JSON output of the above NSLog() call looks like this:

        id = 8;
        style = "project-234-255-0";
        tasks =         (
        title = "Created from testcase";
        id = 15;
        style = "project-255-255-255";
        tasks =         (
        title = "Some title";

Of course the collection behind the responseObject can be stored to a variable..

Upload files

Support for multipart upload is also provided. The types of data that can be uploaded are local files, instances of NSData and NSInputStream. Let’s see how the upload mechanism works with an example:

 // a multipart that contains a file
 NSURL *file1 = <path to a local file>
 AGFilePart *filePart = [[AGFilePart alloc]initWithFileURL:file1 name:@"myfile"];

 // a multipart that contains an NSData object
 NSData *data1 = [@"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.." dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
 AGFileDataPart *dataPart = [[AGFileDataPart alloc] initWithFileData:data1
                                                        fileName:@"data1.txt" mimeType:@"text/plain"];

 // set up payload
 NSDictionary *dict = @{@"somekey": @"somevalue",
                        @"another_key": @"some_other_key",

 // set an (optional) progress block
 [[apiClient uploadPipe] setUploadProgressBlock:^(NSUInteger bytesWritten, long long totalBytesWritten,
                            long long totalBytesExpectedToWrite) {

    NSLog(@"UPLOADPIPE Sent bytesWritten=%d totalBytesWritten=%qi of 
            totalBytesExpectedToWrite=%qi bytes", bytesWritten, totalBytesWritten,

 // upload data
 [[apiClient uploadPipe] save:dict success:^(id responseObject) {
    NSLog(@"Successfully uploaded!");

 } failure:^(NSError *error) {
    NSLog(@"An error has occured during upload! \n%@", error);

An AGFilePart and AGFileDataPart objects are used to attach the data we want to upload. The former is initialized to point to a local file whereas the latter point to an NSData object respectively. Not shown in the example above, but an AGStreamPart can be also used to read the data from a NSInputStream directly.

NOTE: For NSData we need to explicitly specify both the ‘filename’ and the ‘MIME type’, since they can not be automatically determined as with the case of a file.

After initialization of the objects, we simply attach them to the payload, setting an (optional) progress block so we can get notified during the upload.

NOTE: Prior to version 1.4 of the library, multipart upload was supported by the means of attaching an NSURL object directly on the payload. The method is still supported, but it is now deprecated and will be removed in the future versions of the library.

Time out and Cancel pending operations


During construction of the Pipe object, you can optionally specify a timeout interval (default is 60 secs) for an operation to complete. If the time interval is exceeded with no response from the server, then the failure callback is executed with an error code set to NSURLErrorTimedOut.

From the todo example above:

id<AGPipe> projects = [todo pipe:^(id<AGPipeConfig> config) {
    [config setTimeout:20];  // set the time interval to 20 secs

Note: If you are running on iOS versions < 6 and a timeout occurs on a pipe’s save operation, the error code is set to NSURLErrorCancelled.


At any time after starting your operations, you can call cancel on the Pipe object to cancel all running Pipe operations. Doing so will invoke the pipe’s failure block with an error code set to NSURLErrorCancelled. You can then check this code in order to perform your ‘cancellation’ logic .

[projects read:^(id responseObject) {
    // LOG the JSON response, returned from the server:
    NSLog(@"READ RESPONSE\n%@", [responseObject description]);
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
    // when an error occurs... at least log it to the console..
    NSLog(@"Read: An error occurred! \n%@", error);

// cancel the request
[projects cancel];




Returns the url string of the underlying ‘pipe implementation’.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSURL *URL


Returns the url string of the underlying ‘pipe implementation’.

Declared In



Returns the type of the underlying ‘pipe implementation’.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSString *type


Returns the type of the underlying ‘pipe implementation’.

Declared In


Instance Methods


Cancel all running pipe operations. Doing so will invoke the pipe’s ‘failure’ block with an error code set to NSURLErrorCancelled so that you can perform your ‘cancellation’ logic.

- (void)cancel


Cancel all running pipe operations. Doing so will invoke the pipe’s ‘failure’ block with an error code set to NSURLErrorCancelled so that you can perform your ‘cancellation’ logic.

Note: Calling cancel has no effect on the server, so if you do a save or remove and then call cancel, that action will still take place on the the server.

Declared In



Reads all the data from the underlying server connection.

- (void)read:(void ( ^ ) ( id responseObject ))success failure:(void ( ^ ) ( NSError *error ))failure



A block object to be executed when the request operation finishes successfully. This block has no return value and takes one argument: The object created from the response data of request.


A block object to be executed when the request operation finishes unsuccessfully, or that finishes successfully, but encountered an error while parsing the response data. This block has no return value and takes one argument: The NSError object describing the network or parsing error that occurred.


Reads all the data from the underlying server connection.

Declared In



Read specific object from the underlying server connection.

- (void)read:(id)value success:(void ( ^ ) ( id responseObject ))success failure:(void ( ^ ) ( NSError *error ))failure



The value of the recordId. See property [AGPipeConfig recordId].


A block object to be executed when the request operation finishes successfully. This block has no return value and takes one argument: The object created from the response data of request.


A block object to be executed when the request operation finishes unsuccessfully, or that finishes successfully, but encountered an error while parsing the response data. This block has no return value and takes one argument: The NSError object describing the network or parsing error that occurred.


Read specific object from the underlying server connection.

Declared In



Reads all the data that matches a given parameter provider from the underlying server connection.

- (void)readWithParams:(NSDictionary *)parameterProvider success:(void ( ^ ) ( id responseObject ))success failure:(void ( ^ ) ( NSError *error ))failure



A dictionary containing all the parameters and their values, that are passed to the server. If no parameterProvider is given, the defaults from the AGPipeConfig are used.


A block object to be executed when the request operation finishes successfully. This block has no return value and takes one argument: The object created from the response data of request.


A block object to be executed when the request operation finishes unsuccessfully, or that finishes successfully, but encountered an error while parsing the response data. This block has no return value and takes one argument: The NSError object describing the network or parsing error that occurred.


Reads all the data that matches a given parameter provider from the underlying server connection.

Declared In



Removes an object from the underlying server connection.

- (void)remove:(NSDictionary *)object success:(void ( ^ ) ( id responseObject ))success failure:(void ( ^ ) ( NSError *error ))failure



a ‘JSON’ map, representing the data to remove. Note the map must have the ‘recordId’ key set. See property [AGPipeConfig recordId].


A block object to be executed when the request operation finishes successfully. This block has no return value and takes one argument: The object created from the response data of request.


A block object to be executed when the request operation finishes unsuccessfully, or that finishes successfully, but encountered an error while parsing the response data. This block has no return value and takes one argument: The NSError object describing the network or parsing error that occurred.


Removes an object from the underlying server connection.

Declared In



Saves (or updates) a given object from the underlying server connection.

- (void)save:(NSDictionary *)object success:(void ( ^ ) ( id responseObject ))success failure:(void ( ^ ) ( NSError *error ))failure



a ‘JSON’ map, representing the data to save/update. If the map contains values of NSURL objects that point to local files, a multi-part request will be constructed to upload the files to the server. To track progress of the upload, call [AGPipe setUploadProgressBlock:].


A block object to be executed when the request operation finishes successfully. This block has no return value and takes one argument: The object created from the response data of request.


A block object to be executed when the request operation finishes unsuccessfully, or that finishes successfully, but encountered an error while parsing the response data. This block has no return value and takes one argument: The NSError object describing the network or parsing error that occurred.


Saves (or updates) a given object from the underlying server connection.

Declared In



Sets a progress status callback that is invoked during uploading of a file(s).

- (void)setUploadProgressBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( NSUInteger bytesWritten , long long totalBytesWritten , long long totalBytesExpectedToWrite ))block



The block accepts three arguments: the number of bytes written in the latest write, the total bytes written for this connection, and the total bytes expected to be written during the request determined by the length of the HTTP body.

NOTE. The block can be called several times and is always executed on the main thread.


Sets a progress status callback that is invoked during uploading of a file(s).

Declared In
